So That's That

I never said I would post regularly on this blog.  Let’s just start off by saying that.
I have written a few entries, I just haven’t typed them out.  I type all day at work; cut me a little slack.
Anyway, I’m waiting for new music to load onto my iPod, so I thought I would say hi.  Hello.  I’m a high school graduate now.  It’s weird.  People keep asking me if I feel different, and I really don’t.  Should I?  I don’t know.  Vlog about that later. 
By the way, ohmygoshthankyou to everyone who said such nice things about “On Remembering To Be Awesome”.  I am really happy with how that vlog came out, and I’m glad others thought so.  Kym even tweeted it to the vlogbrothers.  It would be amazing if one of them watched it.  Future goal.
            I bought my first piece of furniture for my dorm today.  A teal floor rocker from Target.  I have sheets and towels in the same color.  Is it weird how excited I am to decorate my dorm room?  I love it.  I like that I will be able to just start completely fresh.  New room.  I get to decide what to put in it, and I won’t have to bring everything from home.
            I feel that way now.  I’ll be an emotional wreck when I have to decide what books to bring.
            That’s all I have to say for now.  I have to be up for work in less than seven hours.  Why do I always do this to myself?

I love you all.




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