I love traveling, but not in the way most people do. So many people seem to hate the long drive/train ride/flight in between them and wherever they're going. They don't like waiting, which is a common and completely reasonable sentiment.

But it isn't mine.

Sure, I love being places that aren't home. New York City (which I'm on a train to right now - yay for mobile posting) is one of my favourite places in the whole world. I feel comfortable in CancĂșn and Xcarat.  Almost more than that, though, I love the feeling of being in airports. I love that rush when you're en route to your destination, when you don't know yet that you've forgotten your toothbrush and your dad is going to get sun poisoning because he forgot his sunscreen AGAIN. It's a forced rest, the calm before the storm. I love train rides. I get all of my reading done, write, listen to music, think, and sometimes just stare out the window at my whole state flashing by.

I'm not sure I'll ever be able to sit still when I get older. At some point, I'm going to take a year off and just wander all over the place. I'm going to eat real Italian pasta and stay at a hostel in Germany and have falafel in Jerusalem. I'm going to be a nomad, and I'm going to be happy.

I'm going to be a nomad who spends a lot of time in airports, but that's never been a problem for me.



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