The sign that says "Attractions" at the exit for my grandparents' house is blank, as if the state of NY can't imagine for the life of them what would attract anyone to the tiny town of Eastport, Long Island. There are no malls, no waterparks.

I'm not sure I want anyone to know what should attract them here, honestly. If everyone knew about this place, a thousand tourists would trample the flower beds that my grandmother used to cultivate so she could sell bouquets out of her farm stand. They'd eat up all of the "Play Doh" ice cream at the Hershey's stand that also sells international phone cards. They'd buy all of the silly bracelets on main street. They'd dig up all the sand, catch all of the waves.

Is it selfish, to keep this a secret? The attractions for me here abound; a raspberry, sweet as a promise, erupting on my tongue, a whisper through the fence from the boy next door, a game of Pooh sticks with my mother over the bridge down the street, the first bite into the first silky peach of summer, the smell of burgers at sunset, the image of my grandfather spitting watermelon seeds, trying to hit seagulls.

The sign is blank, because, honestly, could you put that into words? And if you could, would you even want to?



  1. Hey Amanda! Just wanted to let you know that I gave you an award... If you want it, that is...
    Keep blogging, I love reading it :)

  2. Oh, a link to the blog post, if you want to read it :


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